Wednesday, April 17, 2013

John Nichols on Greed and Austerity

John Nichols, columnist for The Nation and regular commentator on MSNBC, addressed a packed house at the Tucson IBEW Hall in March. The event was jointly sponsored by PDA Tuson and the Pima Area Labor Federation.

Above is a video excerpt from his talk. For more details, check out this story:

John Nichols: Don’t Let the ‘Crooks’ Roll Back Years of Progress (video)

PDA Tucson and PALF leaders pose with John Nichols (left to right): Pamela Powers Hannley, James Hannley, Alison McCloed, Dustin Cox, Laura Hogan, John Nichols, Linda Hatfield, Michael Gordy, Barbara Warrne, and Rick Graap.

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