Sunday, February 5, 2012

A Helpful Program. . . Maybe

Here is information about a program sponsored by Free Thought Arizona.  This program is NOT necessarily endorsed by PDA Tucson.  However, PDA Tucson members may find this session useful and informative. 
Sunday, February 19, 2012   10 am
Conservative Evangelicals in American Politics: Reflections from the Field by Dr. Karen SeatDuval Auditorium at UMC, 1501 N Campbell Ave - Free Parking on Sundays
Dr. Karen Seat specializes in U.S. religious history, American evangelicalism, and gender studies. Her book, “Providence Has Freed Our Hands”: Women’s Missions and the American Encounter with Japan (Syracuse University Press, 2008), examines nineteenth-century Protestant women's mission movements and their impact on American ideologies regarding gender, race, Christianity, and civilization. Her current research focuses on conservative Christians' engagement with American politics in modern American history. She teaches courses on American religious history and gender studies in religion.
Dr. Seat received her Ph.D. in Religious Studies from Temple University in Philadelphia.
9 am
Annual FreeThought Arizona meeting is at 9 am on this date - one hour before our February 19 speaker.

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