1. Develop internal IOT Group education
A. Guest speaker on Arizona Corporation Commission's work and issues
B. Tour of Tucson's coal burning electric power plant
C. Provide materials on coal, clean air, nuclear power, solar energy and global warming
D. Offer guest speaker on GW in the SW from UA for General PDA meeting
E. Offer film series on GW and environmental, energy issues
2. Offer community and school education
A. Identify materials and projects already in the community and collaborate
B. Develop educational new tools on energy problems and solutions
C. Organize volunteer corps of educators on GW and Energy concerns
D. Prepare "Connect the Dots" presentation on Hidden Costs of Energy
3. Support Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
A. Participate in City of Tucson's CC Committee as members or observers
B. Advocate for adoption of the CC Plan for City of Tucson by City Council
C. Offer education and outreach about the CC Plan
4. Support Energy Efficiency Advocacy
A. Support to work of the Metropolitan Energy Commission on Energy Efficiency
B. Help organize Energy Efficiency training workshops in our community
5. Participate in Clean Air Act Advocacy
A. Participate in on line political action alerts
B. Participate in the 50 States United Lobbying in Washington DC
C. Recruit others in the community to participate
6. Advocacy for Solar Power in Arizona
A. Participate in on line political action alerts supporting solar power
B. Participate in local Solar 101 Workshops
C. Recruit others in the community to participate
7. Advocate for regulation of energy waste/emmissions
A. Participate in on line political action alerts
B. Participate in workshops on environmental ethics of coal waste
C. Recruit others in the community to participate
8. Work with Local Coalition Partners on Related Issues
A. Respond to pollution action alerts by Audubon Society, Sierra Club
B. Attend Tbreaks at the Audubon Society - re. environmental issues
C. Support Hiroshima Day nuclear power protest - Nuclear Resister
D. Attend WILPF/ASEH co-sponsored workshop on environmental ethics
E. Testify on behalf of clean air for AZ Passenger Rail Plan for PIRG
F. Participate in the Peace Fair organized by the Peace Center
G. Work with Earth Justice on Clean Air Action and advocacy
H. Support the work of the Tucson Metropolitan Energy Commission
9. Support National PDA Connections and Advocacy
A. Participate in National PDA's monthly GW-IOT Conference calls
B. Advocacy to oppose or strictly regulate hydrofracking for natural gas
10. Offer Southern Arizona Workshop on Environmental Justice
A. Organize community and UA based environmental groups to participate
B. Plan workshop with AZ Rise and others
C. Bring film producer and advocates for environmental justice to present
Films: Return of Navajo Boy and Power Paths
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